LI Lei,-Center for Transnationals' Studies of Nankai University


  LI Lei,
Job title: Professor
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The research field: :International Trade
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Office phone: 022-23508291
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Personal profile

Li Lei (male, born in 1980): Institute for International Economics, Nankai University, Lecturer, Doctor of Economics. Address: Institute for International Economics, School of Economics, Nankai University, [300071]. Office Phone: 022 -23508291. E-mail:

Education background


1997-2001, Zhejiang University, Department of International Trade, Institute of International Economy and Trade, BA in Economics

2004-2006, Jinan University, School of Management, Institute of Industrial Economics, Masters in Economics

2006 - 2009, Nankai University, School of Economics, Institute for International Economics, doctor in economics


Work experience

2009.7-Present, Nankai Institute of International Economics
The winning



Representative results

[1]   Li Lei, Zheng Zhaoyang, Is China’s Outward FDI Seeking Resources? Journal of International Trade, 2012-02

[2]   Li lei, Liu Bin, Hu Bo, Xie Lu, The Impacts of Trade Openness on Urban Residents’ Income and Its Distribution, China Economic Quarterly, 2011-10.

[3]   Liu Bin, Li lei, Can happiness be infectious? World economy, 2012-6.

[4]   Li Lei, Qi Xin, Can China’s Anti-dumping Retaliation Ability for Deterrence Inhibit Anti-dumping Against China?, Finance & Trade Economics, 2010-7.

[5]   Liu Bin, Li Lei, Trade Openness and the Gender Wage Gap, China Economic Quarterly, 2012-4.

[6]   Li Lei, Qi Xin, Zhu Yu, The Political Economy of Antidumping Filings and Measures: An Empirical Analysis, Economic Review, 2011-3.

[7]   Li Lei, Zhang ZhiQiang, Wan Yu Lin, Globalization and Business Cycle Synchronization: Evidence from China and OECD Countries, World Economy Study, 2011-1.

[8]   Li Lei, Qi Xin, Zhu Yu, "Revenge" and "Safety Valve" Effect of Developing Countries’ Anti-dumping, Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2011-1.

[9]   Li Lei, Liu Bin, Zheng Yanyan, The Efficiency of Contract Enforcement and Vertical Structure, Industrial Economics Research, 2011-5.

[10] Li Lei, Liu Bin, Does WTO Lead to the Proliferation of Anti-dumping? International Economics and Trade Research, 2011-5.

[11] Li Lei, Liu Bin, Zheng zhaoyang, Regional Economic Integration and Economic Synchronization of Yangtze River Delta, Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2011-3.

[12] Liu Bin, Li Lei, Zhu Tong, Can Social Trust Influence Regional Distribution of FDI? Finance and Trade Research, 2011-6.

[13] Liu Bin, Li Lei, Zhu tong, Entity Difference of the Optimal Investment, Modern Economic Science, 2011-3.

[14] Zhu Tong, Qi Xin, Li Lei, Financial Development, Exogenous Shock and Economic Volatility——A Study Based on Province-Level Panel Data in China, Journal of Business Economics, 2011-1.

[15] Li Lei, Wang Yan, The Features, Causes and Countermeasures Analysis on the Anti-dumping Actions in Agricultural Products against China, World Trade Organization Focus, 2010-6.

[16] Yan Bo, Li Lei, Foreign technology spillover research and development of productive forces in China, Shanghai Journal of Economics, 2009-3.

[17] Li Lei, Zhang Huan Zhao, Zhu Tong, The land and its price volatility on economic growth - The Case of Japan, Finance & Trade Economics, 2008-12.

[18] Li Lei, Zhu Tong, The Features, Causes and Countermeasures Analysis of Anti-dumping Actions of South Africa, Modern Finance and Economics, 2008-10.

[19] Li Lei, Zhang HuanZhao, Zhu Tong, Land "tail effect”, bubble and Japan's economic growth, Japan Studies, 2008-03.

[20] Li Lei, Zhu Tong, Human capital, the stock of knowledge and economic growth in China, Social Sciences in Nanjing, 2008-9.

[21] Li Lei, Zhu Tong, Zheng YanYan, A Comparative Research on the Relationship between the Export of Three Major Economic Zones and Economic Growth, Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies, 2008-4.

[22] Zhu Tong, Li Lei, Interest Distribution, Public Choice and Trade friction—Perspective of Evolutionary Game Theory, International Economics and Trade Research, 2008-6.

[23] Zhu Tong, Li Lei, The Country Distribution and Industrial Characteristics of Anti-Dumping Cases in WTO, Finance and Trade Research, 2008-3.

[24] Ding Yong, Li Lei, Zhu Tong, On Characteristics and Impact Factors of China’s Anti-dumping, Modern Finance and Economics,2008-01.

[25] Zhu Tong, Li Lei, Tactics Behavior in Trade Friction, Finance & Economics, 2007-12.