[1]. How Does Distance Decrease Trade? , Journal of World Economy, forthcoming
[2]. Factor Price Distortion and China Firms’ Export Behavior, China Industrial Economics, 2012/2
[3]. Finance Development and Export Sophistication, Journal of World Economy, 2015/7
[4]. Finance Development, Firm Internationalization and Trade Imbalance, Journal of World Economy, 2011/5
[5]. How Does China Become the Biggest Exporter? , Statistics Research,2011/5
[6]. The Extensive Margin, Quantity and Price in China’s Export Growth, China Economic Review, 2011/5
[7]. The Three Margins of China’s Export Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2010/7
[8]. How Does Infrastructure Improve Export Sophistication?, Economic Research, 2010/7
[9]. Research on the Persistence of China’s Export Growth, Quantitative and Technique Economics, 2009/6
[10]. Has China’s Export Structure Improved?, Finance and Trade Economics, 2009/2