LI Ronglin,-Center for Transnationals' Studies of Nankai University


  LI Ronglin,
Job title: Professor
Administrative duties: Vice Director
The research field: : International Trade
Professor course: International trade theory; Microeconomics
Office phone:
The office: 经济学院办公楼1209
Personal profile
Education background

1.        1978.2-1982.2: Accounting Department, Tianjin Financial and Economics University. Received B.A. in February 1982.

2.        1986.6-1989.6: Department of International Economics, Nankai University. Received M.A 1n 1989

3.        1987: Summer training program on international finance provided by EEC at Nankai University.

4.        1991.6-1994.6: Institute of International Economics, Nankai University under Canada -China Management Education Program Phase II for Doctoral Studies in the field of international trade. Received Ph. D in 1994.


Work experience

1.        1994-Now, Nankai Institute of International Economics

2.        1997.8-1998.8, as a visiting scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with Professor Robert Baldwin, studying international trade theory and policy especially WTO policy issues.

3.        1996.10-1997.3as a visiting scholar at Institute of Asia Studies, Monash University, Economic Department, New South Wales University, and Australia APEC Study Centre, studying on APEC issues.


The winning

1.        On the Sustainability of China’s Foreign Trade, Third Prize of Papers, Tianjin International Trade Association Award, December 2005.

2.        The Substitute and Complementary of Trade and Investment, Second Prize of Papers, Tianjin International Trade Association Award, December 2004.

3.        A Theoretical Study on the Relationship between International Trade and the Transform in Growth, Prize of Books, MOFCOM Award, June 2001.

4.        Dynamic International Trade Theory: Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Analysis, Third Prize of Books, An Zijie Awards on International Trade, August 2000.

5.        A Welfare Analysis for Tariff-Induced Investment with Underemployment, Third Prize of Papers, An Zijie Award on International Trade, August 1999.

6.        A Theoretical and Empirical Study on China’s Foreign Trade, Third Prize of Books, Tianjin Seventh Social Science Award, April 1999.


Representative results


1.        Li Ronglin, The Development of FTA in APEC and Its Impacts, editor in chief, Tianjin University Press, May 2011.

2.        Li Ronglin, Gong Zhankui and Meng Xia, Study on China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, editor in chief, Tianjin University Press, April 2007.

3.        Li Ronglin and Zhang Hanlin, China and WTO, editor in chief, Tianjin University Publishing House, January 2002.

4.        Li Ronglin, Zhu Tong and Zheng Zhaoyang, Theoretical Foundation for WTO and China’s Market Reconstruction, Tianjin University Publishing House, December 2002.

5.        Li Ronglin and Zhang Yangui, Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Trade and Investment of China, China Economic Press, June 2001.

6.        Li Ronglin, Dynamic International Trade Theory: Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Analysis, China Economic Press, August 2000.

7.        Chen Jianguo and Li Ronglin, The Open China and World Economy, World Knowledge Press, August 2000.

8.        Li Ronglin and Chen Jianguo, A Theoretical and Empirical Study on China’s Foreign Trade, co-editor, Guizhou People’s Press, April 1998.

9.        Li Ronglin and Chen Zhuo, The International Balance of Payment System of Australia, co-editor, Tianjin People’s Press, May 1994.

10.    Yi Weiming, Li Ronglin, Lu Yan, and Lin Huihua, Today’s Australia, Tianjin People’s Press, May 1994.

11.    Liang Zhifeng, Li Ronglin, and Hu Yongliang, Socialist Macroeconomic Management of China, co-editor, Tianjin University Publishing House, October 1989.


Book Chapters

1.        Song Hong, Chinese Experience of Economic Development, Social Science Academic Press, April 2011.

2.        Xiong Xingmei and Dai Jinping etc., The Contemporary Mainstream of International Economics in Practice and Theory, Chapter 1: Classical International Trade, Chapter 2: Neo-classical International Trade, Chapter 3: Growth and International Trade, and Chapter 4: International Trade Theory in China, Dongbei University Finance and Economic Press, 2004.

3.        Gong Zhankui, How China Coherent to the World, Chapter 4 “The Competition Strategy of Firms in Market Economy”, Nankai University Press, 1996.

4.        Xiong Xingmei and Chen Ligao, Contemporary World Economy, Chapter 3: The Development of International Direct Investment and Globalization in Production and Their Impacts on World Economy, Nankai University Press, 1996.

5.        Gong Zhankui, The Changing World Economy, Chapter 4: International System and Its Development, Nankai University Press, 1993.


Journal Articles

1.        Gao Yue and Li Ronglin, Reviewing the Interrelation of International Trade and FDI: An Economic and Statistic Complementary Perspective, Economic Review, April 2008, pp.125-129.

2.        Gao Yue and Li Ronglin, The Segmentation in Production and Intra-industry Trade: A Competitive Monopoly Study Based on Stieglitz-Dixit Model, The Journal of World Economy, May 2008, No. 357, pp.13-23.

3.        Lu Xiaodong and Li Ronglin, The Structure of China’s Trade, Comparative Advantage, and Test on Its Stability, The Journal of World Economy, October 2007, No.350.

4.        Li Ronglin and Lu Xiaodong, Analysis of the Trade Flow and Welfare on China-Japan-Korean Free Trade Area: A Partial Equilibrium Calibration, The Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, Vol. 23, No. 11, 2006, pp. 69-77.

5.        Zhang Peng and Li Ronglin, The Country Differences in the Relationship between FDI and Bilateral Trade, Journal of International Trade, No. 1, 2007, pp.84-91.

6.        Li Ronglin and Yu Mingyan, A Study on Free Trade Area, International Economic Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007, pp.140-150.

7.        Cao Jiyun and Li Ronglin, The Causes of Trade Surplus in China and the Way of Adjustment, Economic Review, No. 11, 2007 , pp. 2-4.

8.        Li Ronglin and Ruan Lingwen, The Challenge in Law and Financial Theory, Journal of Tianjin Normal University-Social Science, No. 4, 2006, pp.44-48.

9.        Li Ronglin, The Substitute and Complementary between International Trade and Investment, in Study and Practice, an Award Paper Collection in 2005 by Tianjin International Trade Association, Tianjin Social Science Press, December2006.

10.    Li Ronglin and Ma Hai, The Trade Policy of the United States on China: A Political Economy Perspective, Asia-Pacific Economies, No. 5, 2006.

11.    Zhang Peng and Li Ronglin, A Dynamic Study on the Impact of FDI on China’s Foreign Trade, World Economy Study, No.6, 2006.

12.    Li Ronglin, On the Sustainability of China’s Foreign Trade, in Study and Practice, an Award Paper Collection in 2005 by Tianjin International Trade Association, Tianjin Social Science Press, December 2005.

13.    Yinhua Mai, Fan Mingtai and Li Ronglin, Modeling the Potential Benefits of An Australia –China Free Trade AgreementThe Australia- China FTA Feasibility Study(Published Reports)March, 2005

14.    Li Ronglin, International Trade and FDI: A Review of the Literature, The Journal of World Economy, April 2002, No.284, pp.44-47.

15.    Li Ronglin, China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement and Regional Economic Integration in East Asia, Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, No.8, 2005, pp.19-23.

16.    Li Ronglin, A Game Analysis on the Competition and Cooperation in Bilateral Trade System, Nankai Journa-Social Science, No.4, 2002, pp.12-15.

17.    Li Ronglin and Shi Qi, The Theory of Karl Marx’s International Value and Western International Trade, Nankai Economic Studies, No.5, 2000, pp.41-46.

18.    Li Ronglin, Zheng Zhaoyang, and Xiao Junji, An Assessment on the Trade Liberalization in Individual Action Plan of APEC, Nankai Economic Studies, No.1 2000, pp.33-37.

19.    Li Ronglin: "The Deficit Effect of APEC's Trade Liberalization on China: An Empirical Study", World Economy and China, Vol. 8, No. 3, May-June 2000, pp.45-55.

20.    Li Ronglin, A Welfare Analysis for Tariff-Induced Investment with Underemployment, The Journal of World Economy, August 1999, No.252, pp.35-43.

21.    Li Ronglin, Paving the way for economic and technical cooperation in APEC, World Economy and China, July-August 1999, Vol. 7, No.4, pp.

22.    Li Ronglin, The Trade Liberalization in APEC and Its Impact on China’s Foreign Trade, Intertrade, No.207, March 1999, pp.30-34.

23.    Li Ronglin, Three Big Issues in APEC’s Economic and Technical Cooperation, The Journal of World Economy, March 1999, pp.17-21.

24.    Sheng Bin and Li Ronglin, Economic and Technical Cooperation in APEC: from Framework to Action, APER, No.2, 1998, pp.9-12.

25.    Li Ronglin, Gong Zhankui, Li Kunwang, and Cai Yu, The impact of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation on domestic industries and the adjustment policy of the government, Japan Institute of Developing Countries, March 1997.

26.    Li Ronglin, Open Regionalism under the Diversity of APEC, Japan Institute of Developing Countries, January 1996.

27.    Li Ronglin, The Trend of Economic Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region and China’s Choice, International Economics and Trade, No.3, 1995, pp.12-16.

28.    Li Ronglin, The Economic Effects of FDI from Developing Countries, Nankai Economic Studies, No.3, 1993, pp.63-67.

29.    Guan Ruifeng and Li Ronglin, The Development Characteristics of Contemporary Western Economic Thinking, Seeking Truth, No.5, 1993, pp.52-56.

30.    Yin Ruxiang and Li Ronglin, An Outstanding Research on Multi-National Corporation, book Review on Conspectus of Multi-National Corporation edited by Teng Weizao and Chen Yinfang, The Journal of World Economy, January 1993, No.175.

31.    Xiong Xingmei, Li Ronglin and Chen Jianguo, The Development of Regional Group in World Economy and China’s Open to the World, Economist, No.1, 1992, pp.5-12.

32.    Li Ronglin, The Dural Development of Small and Mediate Enterprises and Capital Concentration, Social Science Quarterly, No.2, 1990.

33.    Yin Ruxiang and Li Ronglin, Studies on China’s Investment Environment, Nankai Economic Studies, No.2, 1989.


Conference Papers

1.Li Ronglin and Yu Mingyan, The Production and Welfare Effects of Free Trade Agreement: An Footloose Capital Model, National University Collaboration Meeting and Forum on International Trade, Nankai University, 2008.

2.Li Ronglin and Lu Xiaodong, Regional Economic Integration, FDI and Global production: An Footloose Capital Model, China Economic Annual Conference, Eighth Conference, Chongqing University, 2008.

3.Li Ronglin and Yu Mingyan, The Production and Welfare Effects of Free Trade Agreement: An Footloose Capital Model, China Economic Annual Conference, Eighth Conference, Chongqing University, 2008.

4.Li Ronglin and Gao Yue, The Segmentation in Production and Intra-industry Trade: A Competitive Monopoly Study Based on Stieglitz-Dixit Model, China Economic Annual Conference, Seventh Conference, Shen Zhen Business School of Beijing University and Hong Kong University, 2007.

5.Li Ronglin, Sustainable Private Sector Development: Growing Inclusive Markets-Case study of China2007 Academy of Management Annual MeetingSecretariat of AOM

6.Li Ronglin, The Substitute and Complementary of Trade and Investment, China Economic Annual Conference, First Conference, Beijing University, 2001.

7.Li Ronglin, The Impacts of Trade and Investment on China Economic and Human developmentRegional Conference on Investment, Energy and Environmental Services at Cancun University of Malaya, Malaysian Institute for Economic Research.