On Sep 7th 2018, during the 20th session of foreign investment and trade fair in Xiamen, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, NKIIE, the department of foreign economic research of Development Research Center of the State Council, Center for Transnationals’ Studies have jointly held a seminar on “40 years of FDI-China’s Experience and Launch of UN World Investment Report 2018 (Chinese Edition)”
The experts and professionals attended this seminar are: the director of Investment and Enterprise at the UNCTAD, Dr. Xiaoning Zhan, the vice minister of the department of foreign economic research of Development Research Center of the State Council, Qi Zhang, Prof. Taotao Chan from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, Danhui Yang, the research fellow of the Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS, Prof. Baichuan Sang, the head of the Institute of International Economy of UIBE, Prof. Changyuan Luo, the deputy director of the Institute of International Economy of Fudan University, Prof. Xinjian Cui from the Business School of CUFE, and officer Yongfu Ouyang from the Department of Investment and Economic Affairs of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development is one of the authorities to study the foreign investment issues. The annual publication “UN Wolrd Investment Report” by UNCTD has broad influence. Since 1998, Nankai University is responsible for publishing the report. The 2018 issue focuses on investment and the new industrial policy, and has been translated and revised by Prof. Guoming Xian and Prof. Shunqi Ge, published by Nankai university press.