Assistant Professor Hong Zhao of the Center for Transnationals’ Studies Co-published Papers in High-level English Journals including JEEM-Center for Transnationals' Studies of Nankai University

Assistant Professor Hong Zhao of the Center for Transnationals’ Studies Co-published Papers in High-level English Journals including JEEM

发表日期:2020-10-23 已经有位读者读过此文

Hong Zhao, an Assistant Professor of the Center for Transnationals’ Studies and Kaixing Huang, an assistant professor of Department of Public Finance have published papers on Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Surveys, and other high-level English journals.

JEEM is an important journal that mainly focuses on environmental economics related issues, located in the first district of JCR. The main contribution of this article is to estimate the long-term impact of climate change on the labor distribution of China's agricultural population and analyze the gender heterogeneity of the impact. Journal of Economic Surveys is a comprehensive economic journal, located in the first district of JCR. The main contribution of this article is to analyze the impact of FDI on global income inequality and systematically analyze the regional differences in the impact.